The ramblings of an 8 month old genius...

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Emily....her name rolls off my tongue like stage 2 sweet potatoes...

Emily, my dear sweet Emily...How do I love thee? Well, if you haven't guessed, I'm in any 11 month old should be. Isn't she beautiful? We talked for what seemed like hours, and then I leaned in...and planted a nice big kiss right on her face...of course, everyone laughed at me. No one thought I would do it...but I showed them! could have at least told me I had cookies on my face and drool on my shirt...sheesh! But, she loves me just the same...! Tonight at church we sat on the floor and clapped along to the music, then we both went to the nursery and enjoyed some quiet time together...I think we are hitting it off...


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